China / Opinion

13th Five-Year Plan to benefit world - overseas experts

[2015-11-04 15:12]

China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) on National Economic and Social Development will not only meet its own development demand, but also have a positive impact on the rest of the world, overseas experts have said.

Plan aims to balance growth with reform

[2015-11-04 08:28]

Growth remains the top priority with policymakers officially noting that 6.5 percent GDP growth from 2016 to 2020 will be enough to meet the existing target of doubling GDP between 2010 and 2020.

Couples wary of cost to raise a second child

[2015-11-04 07:34]

Bearing one more child not only involves the additional cost of raising it, but also involves opportunity costs for the parents.

Tough choices needed to end extreme poverty

[2015-11-03 07:39]

Population growth has outpaced the impressive economic and social forces that reduced the extreme poverty rate, says World Bank president.

Four comprehensives vital to progress

[2015-11-02 10:18]

It is precisely the rebalancing of the economy from investment and net exports to consumption and innovation that requires the deceleration of China’s growth so that Chinese people’s living standards can be doubled by 2020.

Two-child policy won't lead to a baby boom

[2015-11-02 07:47]

The decision to allow all couples to have two children has limited policy effect as far as achieving modest fertility levels and long-term and balanced development of population are concerned.

Much to be done to promote China's soft power

[2015-11-02 07:47]

If you wanna know what China's gonna do, best pay attention to the Shisanwu (13th Five-Year Plan)" is the chorus of a new video from Xinhua News Agency, which has attracted modest online audiences and mixed reviews worldwide.

New five-year plan to promote reforms, consumption

[2015-10-30 21:36]

What this means internationally is that China continues and will continue to grow 3-4 times faster than the major advanced economies: the US, the EU economies and Japan.

Basic education sector needs more funds

[2015-10-30 09:19]

China should increase the education expenditure to 4.5 percent or even 5 percent of GDP if it wants to give all students access to education.

Appropriate path leads to sustainable future growth

[2015-10-30 07:47]

Without removing the obstacles that lie in the way of the entry of non-governmental capital to these areas, it will be difficult for the country to form a services-dominated industrial structure.

Tracks laid for express train of development

[2015-10-30 07:47]

Such visits are unmistakable hallmarks of an open China's thirst for partnerships, echoing Xi's invitation for the outside world to "catch the express train of China's development".

Progress toward fairer income distribution

[2015-10-30 07:45]

It is therefore necessary to expedite the process for legislation on income distribution, for a law is needed to build a new and mature income distribution system that suits the need of a socialist market economy.
