China / Government

Xi asks officials to respect intellectuals' creativity, criticism

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-04-29 19:55
HEFEI -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has asked officials to trust intellectuals, welcome their criticism and try not to interfere in their creative work.

Xi made the remarks at a meeting on Tuesday in Hefei with a group of scientists and researchers, model workers and young people during his inspection tour to east China's Anhui Province, according to a press release published on Friday.

Party and government departments should fully trust intellectuals and create a favorable environment for them to exercise their talent and develop their careers, the president said.

Officials are urged not to "interfere in the creative work of intellectuals so that they can concentrate on their work." They should improve communication with intellectuals and help solve difficulties at work and in their personal lives.

Officials should welcome advice and criticism from intellectuals and become a "true friend" of them, Xi stressed.

"When opinions are meant well, we should warmly welcome them. We should take in constructive opinions and be more tolerant and inclusive even though some of them are biased or incorrect," he said, adding that intellectuals should not be blamed or punished for expressing their opinions.

The president also expects intellectuals to put the country and people first, uphold "the right path" and pursue the truth.

To better understand the situation of China and the rest of the world, they should not belittle themselves nor repeat others' words without thinking, he said.

Xi encouraged them to take the lead in the country's innovation drive and contribute to the country's economic and social development as well as improvement of people's welfare.

They should sharpen creativity, expand the horizon and devote themselves to hard work, Xi said.

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