China / Government

China slams Europe's refusal to grant market economy status

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-05-17 03:49

China and France have great expectations for bilateral cooperation in climate change and international affairs, including within the Group of 20 and on the Syria issue, according to the two foreign ministers.

Wang said China will continue to facilitate a political settlement of the Syria crisis.

France and China agree the Syria crisis will be resolved not through military means, but through political settlement featuring dialogue and adherence to UN resolutions, Ayrault said.

Ayrault said President Francois Hollande is looking forward to attending the G20 summit in Hangzhou in September and that France is willing to work with China to ensure the event is a success.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong and State Councilor Yang Jiechi also met with Ayrault on Monday afternoon, pledging to cooperate more in economy, trade, technology and people-to-people exchanges.


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