China / Society

Great Wall, bamboo top list of Chinese culture

By Luo Wangshu ( Updated: 2016-06-19 21:43

The Great Wall, bamboo and the concept of harmony were the three most popular items representing Chinese culture as chosen from a list by foreign youth.

The survey, conducted by the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication, was released on Saturday. It selected 18 symbols that represent Chinese culture in humanities, philosophy, art, nature, lifestyle and people.

"Foreign youth have the best understanding of Chinese humanities. They know about Chinese kung fu, they know Chinese celebrate the Mooncake Festival. Regarding philosophic concepts, they know about harmony. They may not fully understand the deep meaning of it, but they understand peace and harmony as a united goal for human beings. In foreign cultures, there are similar concepts," said Yu Dan, a professor of Chinese culture at Beijing Normal University and director of the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication.

The survey collected 3,134 questionnaires from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, South Korea, Germany, Russia, Turkey, South Africa and Israel.

Respondents, from 18 to 44 years old, were asked to rate their understanding of Chinese culture on a five-point scale from excellent to poor.

"The survey studies foreign youths’ recognition of Chinese culture because youth are the most active and tolerant group to accept foreign cultures. Youth is also the most important audience to promote Chinese culture," Yu said.

The first survey was released last year, and five countries were added this year, including Russia, Turkey and South Africa.

"We add developing countries and countries along ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ to the study this year because we noticed that foreign countries have different needs and willingness to know Chinese culture," she said.

More than 70 percent of respondents are willing to learn Chinese culture through travel and making friends with Chinese. Fifty-one percent believe Chinese philosophy is attractive.

Respondents from Israel, South Africa and Russia rank the highest for travel to China to learn Chinese culture.

Respondents from the United States, France and the UK rank the highest in considering Chinese philosophy attractive.

"Dragon dances and dumplings may not satisfy foreigners desires in some countries to learn Chinese culture," Yu said.

"The willingness to learn, love, be humble, etc, are great virtues from China," said Constantin Lupeanu, chief of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Beijing, adding that communication between eastern and western culture is a great force to drive global civilization.

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