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China tells foreign countries not to intervene in Hong Kong affairs

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-07 19:50

BEIJING -- China said on Monday foreign countries should not intervene in Hong Kong affairs as foreign media voiced concerns following Chinese top legislature's interpretation of the Basic Law of Hong Kong.

The move came in the wake of a handful of legislators-elect publicly advocating "Hong Kong independence" and insulting the Chinese nation at the swearing-in ceremony for the sixth Legislative Council of Hong Kong last month.

"We hope the international community can recognize the true colors of the pro-independence forces, and fully understand the necessity and legitimacy of the interpretation by the top legislature," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at a regular news briefing.

"Hong Kong is a special administrative region under the Chinese central government, and its affairs fall within China's domestic domain and should be free from foreign intervention," Lu said.

The pro-independence forces' attempt to separate Hong Kong from China is against the law and the people's will, and damages China's sovereignty and security and the interests of Hong Kong and foreign countries, the spokesperson said.

Lu called on the international community to support the Chinese central government and Hong Kong government to safeguard national sovereignty, security and unity, and preserve the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

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