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'Naked' Chinese media official expelled from Party

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-17 09:56

WUHAN - The former chairman and Communist Party of China (CPC) chief of Zhiyin Media Group (ZMG) in Central China's Hubei province has been expelled from the CPC, local authorities said Wednesday.

Hu Xunbi was thrown out of the Party for resisting investigation, buying gifts with public funds, taking bribes and inappropriate sexual relationships, according to the discipline inspection commission of Hubei province.

Hu was put under investigation in March for "serious violation of Party discipline." He was removed from his posts in 2014, after reportedly becoming "naked," i.e. moving his family and assets overseas.

"Naked officials" in China are considered a high-risk group for corruption as they can easily escape to foreign countries.

ZMG grew out of Zhiyin, (Soulmate) a magazine focused on love and relationships, based in Wuhan, capital of Hubei. The company owns a number of spin-off magazines in addition to Zhiyin.

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