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Top political advisor stresses opposition to 'Taiwan independence'

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-23 16:30
BEIJING - Top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng on Wednesday emphasized the need to oppose "Taiwan independence".

Yu, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made the remarks when meeting with a Taiwan lawmakers delegation, led by Yao Eng-chi.

Yu said that mainland political advisors and Taiwan lawmakers have cooperated on cross-Straits communication and peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.

The island's current authorities refused to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus and disagree that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, gravely threatening the development of cross-Strait relations, Yu said.

He stressed the adherence to the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle and firmly opposing "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces and their activities.

Yu called on compatriots from both sides to increase communication and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Yu also expressed his hope for an improved exchange mechanism and more exchanges between young people from both sides of the Strait.
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