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Court cites boom in verdict enforcement

By Cao Yin (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2016-03-15 17:52:45


Court cases relating to verdict enforcement have boomed over the past three years, resulting in improved judgments and better protection of litigants' rights, China's top court reported on Tuesday.

From 2013 to 2015, Chinese courts filed 10.13 million cases relating to verdict implementation, and 9.44 million were adjudicated, according to the report issued by the Supreme People's Court.

The number of cases filed in the three-year period increased by 40 percent over the previous period of 2010 to 2012, the report said.

In an effort to prompt those who had refused to implement verdicts, the top court disclosed information on 3.38 million people to the public as of Feb 29, it said.

Those who failed to comply with verdicts, including debtors, can be barred from buying train and plane tickets, and applying for bank loans. The number of travelers barred from taking trains reached 782,400 visits, the court said, while the number of defaulters who were banned from taking flights totaled 3.89 million visits.

The top court also connected with more than 200 banks and financial institutions across the country, and was sharing defaulters' judgments and freezing bank accounts in a move to enforce verdicts, the report said.

In addition, the number of court staff specializing in verdict implementation has been increased, the report said. By the end of 2015, 38,000 judicial officers were working on verdict enforcement for the courts.