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'Conformity,' China's political consensus


Updated: 2016-03-17 02:08:50


The consciousnesses of "the core" and "the line," however, were raised during a recent CPC campaign to improve conducts of officials, focusing on the "three stricts and three honests." The slogan refers to "being strict in morals, power and self-discipline," along with "being honest in decisions, business and behavior."

Experts say "the core" stresses the adherence to the Party's core leadership, requiring the CPC's 87 million members to follow the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, especially its Political Bureau and Political Bureau Standing Committee, and to closely unite around the General Secretary, who is the core of the core.

The consciousness of "the line" demands officials to conform with the CPC Central Committee, its General Secretary as well as to Party theories, guidelines, principles and policies. The centralized and unified leadership should be followed and its authority be upheld.

The "four consciousnesses" has been perceived by many as the latest move in the CPC top leadership's series of new governance concepts and strategies since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012.


The "four consciousnesses" has been brought up as China aims to attain its goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects in the next five years, said Shi Zhihong, a national political advisor.

"The CPC has to fulfill the pledge it made to all the Chinese citizens on time and ensure not a single person, region or ethnic group has been left out," said Shi, also former deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee.

"This task leaves unprecedented pressure and challenges to the CPC," he added.

China's population is expected to reach 14.2 billion by 2020. It would mean much to the world if such a big country could avoid the middle-income trap.

"It entails a high degree of unity in both volition and action within the Party to lead the entire nation to achieve this goal. The 'four consciousnesses' has been brought up to achieve such unity, with conforming with 'the line' as the highlight," Shi said.

Facing downward economic pressure amid fragile global recovery, China's economy has entered what policymakers refer to as the "new normal," a phase of moderating growth driven more by consumption instead of exports and investment.

To ensure the huge Chinese vessel sails to the expected destination, every Chinese should paddle forward under the instruction of the helmsman -- the CPC Central Committee, with Xi as general secretary, Shi noted.