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Introducing the world to autistic children

By Chen Liubing | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-04-29 06:08

Introducing the world to autistic children

Wu Liangsheng nearly started tearing up while recalling his teaching experience. [Photo by Wang Zhuangfei /China Daily]

Wu's advice to fellow workers

One should love his job deep down and use a career to make things better, Wu said.

A job is not an eight-hour workday with a paycheck at the end of the month, Wu said. "Regard your job as a career, and anyone can be successful in any industry."

Wu also hopes to train as many teachers as possible, so teachers can spread his love and professional knowledge to help more children.

"One person's ability is limited, but we can do great things with a bunch of them," he said.

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