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Plan released to control student obesity and other nutritional problems

By Hu Yongqi | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-07-13 18:59

A national nutrition plan was released by the State Council on Thursday, setting a target to make substantial improvements by 2030 in reducing student obesity, anemia, and stunted development afflicting children younger than 5, as well as raising residents’ nutritional awareness.

Nutrition concerns national health and quality of life for the entire population, social and economic development, said the National Nutrition Plan (2017-30), released by the General Office of the State Council.

The plan set seven measures to achieve the target, including efforts to improve and raise standards of nutrition, perfect research on nutritional sciences and cultivate expertise in this field. Assessments on nutrition and food safety will be strengthened by conducting surveys, in particular iodine-related nutrition plans. The benefits of various types of food in the health sector will be promoted while the role of different-style regional food will be further enhanced in line with local conditions.

In addition, data will be shared to benefit residents. Knowledge on nutritional health will be a particular highlight, the plan said.

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