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Mainland spokesperson warns against reckless remarks by DPP

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-07-14 17:23

BEIJING -- A mainland spokesperson on Friday said that Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its leader's repeated arbitrary attacks on the mainland are dangerous behavior.

Taiwan authorities and the DPP have made reckless remarks on the mainland's political system upon Liu Xiaobo's death from illness, said Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

Ma said that Liu was sentenced due to violating Chinese law. Following his diagnosis of liver cancer, relevant departments and medical institutions of China made all-out efforts to treat him humanely in accordance with the law.

Ma said that the DPP and its leader had lifted the deceptive veil of "maintaining the current situation," attacked the mainland repeatedly and aggravated cross-strait conflicts, attempting to pull cross-strait relations back to tensity and turbulence.

"Such behavior is very dangerous," said Ma.

Only people on the mainland have the right to judge the mainland's political, economic and social development, said Ma, adding that the DPP should focus on and reflect on the chaos they have brought to the island and the harm they have done to cross-strait relations.

Political manipulation, shifting focus and misleading people will not succeed, Ma said.

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