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China lodges representations to US over defense act concerning Taiwan

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-07-17 20:06

BEIJING - China has lodged solemn representations to the United States over a defense act that suggests re-establishing ports of call between the United States and Taiwan.

The National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2018, passed by the US House of Representatives Friday, contains controversial provisions about re-establishing regular ports of call by the US Navy at Kaohsiung or any other suitable ports in Taiwan and permitting U.S. Pacific Command to receive ports of call by Taiwan.

"Relevant provisions seriously violate the one-China policy and the three China-US joint communiques upheld by the US and infringes upon China's domestic affairs," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at a regular news briefing.

Lu reiterated that China had always opposed any official and military exchanges between the United States and Taiwan, urging the United States to clearly understand the serious harmfulness of such provisions.

He called on the United States to prevent the act becoming law, and stop retrogressive moves to avoid damaging China-US relations.

Under the three joint communiques, the United States is obliged to abide by the one-China policy, recognizing that Taiwan is part of China and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China.


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