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Xi Jinping lays out future direction of Party

China Daily | Updated: 2017-10-19 07:43

Exercising strict governance over the Party and improving the Party's ability to govern and lead

The whole Party must be soberly aware that the governance environment our Party faces is complex, and that so too are the factors undermining the Party's advanced nature and purity. Prominent problems of impurity in thinking, organization and conduct in the Party have not been solved root and branch.

The primary task of political Party building is to ensure that the whole Party obeys the CPC Central Committee and upholds its authority and centralized, unified leadership.

Our top priority in building the Party through theory is to stay true to our ideals and convictions.

We will work harder to identify promising young officials ... and focus on their practical training in local communities, in work on the front line and in areas where conditions are harsh. We will ensure coordinated training and selection of female officials, officials from ethnic minorities and non-Party officials. We will pursue a more proactive, open and effective policy on training competent professionals. This will better enable us to attract bright people from both within and outside the Party and both in China and abroad.

We must work harder to address the problems that some primary-level Party organizations are weak, ineffective and marginalized.

Corruption is the greatest threat our Party faces. We must have the resolve and tenacity to persevere in the never-ending fight against corruption. We will continue to see that there are no no-go zones, no ground left unturned, and no tolerance shown for corruption. We will institute a system of disciplinary inspection for city and county level Party committees to address corruption that occurs on the people's doorsteps. Wherever offenders may flee, they will be brought back and brought to justice. We will work for the adoption of national anti-corruption legislation and create a corruption reporting platform that covers both disciplinary inspection commissions and supervision agencies.

We will deepen reform of the national supervision system, conduct trials throughout the country, and establish supervisory commissions at the national, provincial, city and county levels, which share offices and work together with the Party's disciplinary inspection commissions. A national supervision law will be formulated. The practice of shuanggui - a form of intraparty disciplinary action that requires a Party member under probe to cooperate with questioning at a designated place and a designated time - will be replaced by detention.


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