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Foreign Leaders, Parties Send Greetings To Key Meeting

China Daily | Updated: 2017-10-21 06:59

The ongoing 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has received a great number of messages from around the world. They speak highly of the CPC's leadership as well as China's socio-economic development and global contributions, and express full confidence that the Party will lead China to even greater success. The following is an edited summary of the messages.

Nursultan Nazarbayev

Kazakh president and chairman of the Nur Otan People's Democratic Party

As the leading force in China, the CPC is expected to continue to make huge contributions to China's economic growth, social prosperity and people's welfare.

John Magufuli

Tanzanian president and chairman of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi party

In the past few decades, China has recorded tremendous achievements in all fields. These achievements are, in no small part, thanks to the exemplary and visionary leadership of the CPC.

Omar al-Bashir

Sudanese president and chairman of the National Congress Party

With the CPC's help, Sudan-China relations are expected to move forward and under broader prospects.

Aleksandar Vucic

Serbian president and president of the Serbian Progressive Party

Bearing in mind the role and position that the People's Republic of China has in our globalized world, its economy and politics, we hereby wish to emphasize how important the 19th National Congress of the CPC truly is, not only for your Party and your country, but far beyond that.

David Granger

Guyanan president and leader of the People's National Congress of Guyana

The CPC policies "have led to the transformation of China into one of the most developed economies in the world today. Delegates attending the Congress this year will be entrusted with the responsibility to make new, far-reaching decisions and elect leaders to guide China in the coming years".

Alexander Lukashenko

Belarusian president

The CPC's efforts led by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, will make significant contributions to boosting China's social prosperity and substantiating the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

Mahamadou Issoufou

Nigerien president

The 19th CPC National Congress is a historic moment in China's future and its relations with the world, which will push China's development further forward.

Filip Vujanovic

Montenegrin president

(The Belt and Road Initiative) has gathered wide support of the countries in Asia and Europe... I would like to say that an outward-looking China is of great global meaning and helps overall stability worldwide.

The Central Committee of the Cambodian People's Party

The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have boosted regional and global economic and trade interconnectivity, contributing much to regional and global peace, stability and prosperity.

Sheikh Hasina

Bangladeshi prime minister and chairwoman of the Bangladesh Awami League party

With Xi Jinping at the core of CPC's Central Committee, the Party is expected to bring China greater achievements after its 19th National Congress.

Ranil Wickremesinghe

Sri Lankan prime minister and leader of United National Party

Under General Secretary Xi Jinping's leadership in the past five years, China has made great economic and social achievements, and helped promote global economic growth and raise living standards worldwide.

Lee Hsien Loong

Singaporean prime minister and secretary-general of People's Action Party

The 19th CPC National Congress is a milestone event in the history of the CPC and China, and will set guidelines for China's future road under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping. A prosperous and stable China is beneficial to the region and the world at large.

Juha Sipila

Finnish prime minister and president of the Center Party

The Center Party of Finland would like to encourage the CPC leadership to continue (pursuing) its reforms and be (an) active member of the international community.

Lars Lokke Rasmussen

Danish prime minister and leader of Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti

It is my hope that the 19th National Congress of the CPC ... will lead China further on its road to progress. (The progress already made) has strengthened the role of China in international relations and cooperation on global issues such as the fight against poverty, climate change, and the (UN-listed) sustainable development goals.

Boyko Borissov

Bulgarian prime minister and chairman of GERB

I sincerely hope that the future decision on the strategic development of China, including the unfolding of the market economy, as well as the principles and goals that the country will follow in its foreign policy, will continue to engage with good relations... the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Robert Fico

Slovak prime minister and leader of Smer-Social Democracy

The CPC has led China to take major measures to fight against corruption, improve the environment, eliminate poverty, deepen reform and maintain world peace and stability in recent years. The 19th National Congress... will inject new impetus into the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and the country's two centenary goals.

Joseph Muscat

Maltese prime minister, leader of Labor Party

The CPC has contributed greatly to enhance multilateralism and to promote the maintenance of peace and stability... (and) uphold world trade and the global economy.

Thomas Motsoahae Thabane

Lesotho's prime minister, leader of All Basotho Convention

We believe the decisions and action plan adopted by the 19th National Congress of the CPC will lead China to a brighter future.

Patrice Trovoada

Sao Tome and Principe's prime minister, president of the Independent Democratic Action

The results achieved during the 19th National Congress of the CPC will help China continue to play a vital leading role in global governance, including maintaining world peace, promoting economic cooperation and environmental conservation.

Peter O'Neill

Papua New Guinean prime minister, leader of People's National Congress

(The CPC's good governance) has been evident through the resurgence of the Chinese economy from within as well as through international cooperation with the other global partners.

Charlot Salwai

Vanuatu's prime minister, president of Reunification of Movements for Change, or RMC

RMC will always observe our diplomatic relations with the Government and the People's Republic of China established in 1982 in favor of the 'One China Policy' and we welcome the outcome of the 19th National Congress of the CPC.

Umaro Sissoco Embalo

Guinea-Bissau's prime minister

The government of Guinea Bissau extends its best wishes for fruitful results to the 19th CPC National Congress. We hope the Congress further strengthens the unity of the Chinese people and promotes China's economic and social progress.

Miyeegombyn Enkhbold

chairman of the Mongolian People's Party and chairman of the State Great Khural, Mongolia's parliament

The Mongolian People's Party congratulates the CPC on its achievements over the past five years and wishes the Congress a complete success.

Liviu Dragnea

Social Democratic Party president and president of Chamber of Deputies of Romania

The Social Democratic Party speaks highly of the CPC's role in China's economic development and social progress. Under the leadership of the CPC, China will witness greater prosperity and well-being of the Chinese people.

Ivica Dacic

president of the Socialist Party of Serbia and first deputy prime minister of Serbia

Under the CPC's leadership, China will become a leading force in global development and an important actor in safeguarding world peace.

Vojtech Filip

chairman of Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia and vice-speaker of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China has comprehensively deepened reform and created the "China miracle" and strives to modernize its governance and achieve the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Joe Y. Natuman

interim president of Vanua'aku Party and deputy prime minister of Vanuatu

The 19th National Congress of the CPC is an important event, and it will set important policy direction and consolidate China's advancement in the world.

Boris Gryzlov

chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party

The CPC is the driving force for China to achieve positive development. Under the leadership of the CPC, China's future will be more prosperous and the living standards of the Chinese people will further progress.

Amit Shah

India's Bharatiya Janata Party president

Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, decisions made and directions set by the 19th National Congress of the CPC will bring further development and prosperity to China, further promote China-India cooperation, and bring peace, stability and development to the world.

Natsuo Yamaguchi

head of Japan's Komeito Party

Under the staunch leadership of Xi Jinping, China is steadily advancing toward building a moderately prosperous society and playing the role of a responsible major country in the international community.

Aleksandar Vulin

president of the Movement of Socialists in Serbia

The 19th National Congress of the CPC will promote further development of the Party's cause, and a bigger role for China to play in maintaining world peace and stability.

Milan Chovanec

acting chairman of the Czech Social Democratic Party

The 19th CPC National Congress will chart the course for the CPC's development, and set up an effective plan for China to grasp opportunities and address challenges.

Javier Miranda

president of the Broad Front of Uruguay

Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core, China has made achievements in areas such as economic development and poverty reduction, as well as scientific and technological innovation.

Gennady Zyuganov

first secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

China enjoys a solid reputation in the international arena and plays an important role in solving international and regional hot spot issues.

Sergey Mironov

chairman of A Just Russia party

The new concepts, new thinking and new strategies implemented by the CPC under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping have won broad support among all walks of life in China, which reflects the Chinese people's high trust in the CPC and their sense of responsibility for the future of the Chinese nation and the country.

Tadatomo Yoshida

head of the Social Democratic Party in Japan

The Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, is a grand blueprint of profound and epoch-making significance in trade, politics and diplomacy.

Zinaida Greceanii

president of Moldova's Socialist Party

Under the leadership of the CPC, China has become one of the world's strong powers and maintains a leading role in many areas in the globe.

Vladimir Voronin

president of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova

The resolution to be authorized by the 19th CPC National Congress states that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the CPC and China will enter a new phase of development.

Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz

president of Polish People's Party

Over the past five years, China has achieved great progress in developing its economy and society under the leadership of the CPC.

Pedro Passos Coelho

president of the Social Democratic Party in Portugal

The 19th CPC National Congress is not only significant to China's future development, but also has positive effects on establishing harmonious international relations.


 Foreign Leaders, Parties Send Greetings To Key Meeting

A general view shows delegates attending the opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing on Wednesday.Thomas Peter / Reuters

(China Daily 10/21/2017 page9)

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