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THAAD leads to negative consequences: Ambassador

By ZHANG YUNBI | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-03-04 20:05

The plan by Washington and Seoul to deploy an antimissile system in the Republic of Korea will lead to negative consequences, according to Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai.

The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, once in place, may put part of China under the scope of its X-band radar.

In response to the plan's progress, Cui told China Daily on Saturday that, "We have fully delivered our concerns to both the US and the Republic of Korea. We hope they could attach importance (to the concerns)."

"It is a basic rule that the relationship between any two countries should pay respect to each other's core interests and major concerns," Cui said.

"Of course there would be negative consequences if the rule is breached," Cui added.

Seoul and Washington agreed in July to deploy one THAAD battery in southeast ROK by the end of this year, Xinhua reported.

The process gained speed earlier this week following ROK business giant Lotte's contract to exchange its golf course for military land to host the THADD system.