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From overseas media: Major concerns during two sessions

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-03-05 08:45

Seeking progress while maintaining stability

All eyes are on China's Two Sessions since it's the country's largest annual political event where the government's core policies on economic, political, and social fields are discussed. According to the People's Daily and other state-run media outlets, the main focus will be certainly the economy. In this case, we should first think of the slogan "wen zhong qiu jin (穩中求進)", which means "seeking progress while maintaining stability." This is not an exaggeration since China's top leadership made it clear that the policy will focus on "seeking progress while maintaining stability" at the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year.

--Asia Today

Economic growth

High on the agenda is how the government will help the economy adapt to growth that has fallen to its lowest level since 1990.


Supply-side reform

With the framework somewhat settled, Chinese leaders are expected to discuss the details, including intensifying structural reform on the supply side.

--Arirang, South Korea

State-Owned Enterprises

Ma Bangui, however, was just an ordinary worker at a state-owned gas company in the northeastern city of Dandong when he was elected to the NPC. Ma says SOE workers currently lack motivation, and their jobs should be incentivized through bonuses and other perks, like private companies do.

--Time magazine's website

Left-behind children

Tens of millions of rural Chinese flock to factories on the coast every spring, but their children are only eligible for free schooling in their home villages. These "left-behind children" — estimated at 61 million last year — are typically cared for by elderly grandparents but frequently struggle estranged from their parents and with only poor educational facilities available.

--Time magazine's website


Chinese agriculture suffers from a lack of professionalism and mechanization, leading to the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides to keep yields high.

--Time magazine's website

Rural health care

Especially in rural areas, doctors are poorly equipped, trained and work horrendous hours; many are even attacked by frustrated patients. Owing to low wages, many doctors elicit bribes from patients to provide treatment.

--Time magazine's website