European Union and the US say they would levy carbon tariff at the international climate change meeting in Cancun. In the name of protecting environment, they set up new trade barriers. Developed countries enjoyed the fruits that developing countries created through consuming resources and energy, and they criticized developing countries of causing heavy pollution, 2010.
The dispute over the Iranian nuclear issue escalates, and Iran and the Western countries hold military drills near the Strait of Hormuz, 2011.
Chinese companies enter foreign markets, creating jobs for foreigners, 2012.
A heavy rain forces Beijing to carefully think about urban infrastructure. The city's planning should not only focus on building skyscrapers but also the drainage system, 2012.
Many countries claim their rights in the Arctic, 2013.
An ex-CIA employee and former intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden, leaks to two newspapers that the US National Security Agency has a top secret program that collects and analyzes data from internet users around the world. It damaged the US image and its faith of freedom and democracy, 2013.
Many people sent messages to their mothers for the Mother's Day through the social networking service WeChat. It is convenient, but it also hurts the verbal communications between each other, 2014.
While the world was submerged in the ALS ice bucket challenge, the international community also faced several other problems, such as the Ebola, environmental protection, Middle East issue, and terrorism, which poured icy water on to the globe, 2014.