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Craftsman keeps tradition carved in stone

[ 2015-04-01 09:14 ]

Travelers to the Tibet autonomous region often come across piles of stones inscribed with scriptures and Buddhist images. These Mani stones are the work of Tibetan craftsmen such as Olo Tsering, who spends his days focused on meticulously carving a religious mantra on stacks of stone plates.

Riding yaks along the rooftop of the world

[ 2015-07-03 10:55 ]

As the first rays of the morning sun on the plateau were pouring onto the snow-capped mountains around Namtso Lake in the Tibet autonomous region, Yontan headed to the sacred lake with his beloved white yak.

Villager's path takes him from Buddhist monk to businessman

[ 2014-07-29 06:51 ]

Tsering is a successful farmer and businessman who says his main aim is to get rich - but two decades ago his life could not have been more different.

Silversmith carries on ancestral tradition

[ 2015-08-26 09:52 ]

With his deeply suntanned skin, it is hard to believe that Li is not a native of Lhasa. He settled in the city 11 years ago after traveling to many cities in China and now regards Lhasa as his second home.

Tibetans jump on the online shopping bandwagon

[ 2014-12-13 04:44 ]

Friday afternoon was a busy time for 28-year-old Tang Xianlin, a deliveryman in Lhasa. He had more than 200 parcels to deliver, but his cellphone battery twice ran short of power for him to call recipients.

Ex-villager returns to open businesses

[ 2015-05-07 07:43 ]

Tibet's biggest land port, Khasa, has lifted many border residents out of poverty over the past three decades and brought even more opportunities for them to improve their quality of life.

Blind woman has vision of future

[ 2015-05-28 00:17 ]

Kyila may not be able to see the world, but she has a clear vision of how to make it a better one for blind and partially sighted people.

Master of Tibetan calligraphy displays his mastery

[ 2015-05-28 15:50 ]

The Sharta Yard in Lhasa's Barkor Bazaar was more crowded than usual on May 27 as people gathered to enjoy a visual feast of Tibetan calligraphy exhibition.

Hybrid sheep boost farmers' incomes

[ 2015-06-05 12:12 ]

With its curled horns and thick coat, the Phanpo sheep stands out from the small, plump, thick-horned varieties that usually populate the grasslands of the Tibetan plateau.

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