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Small and medium foreign enterprises to march to China's west


Small and medium-sized enterprises of Europe, Asia, America and Oceania have begun to show great interest in China's western region.

That was the tidings coming from the news briefing on the "2000 Chinese Southwest Economic and Trade Talks & International Investment Summit Meeting"to be held in the Chengdu International Exhibition Center on November 14 and 15. The Organizing Committee has disclosed that some foreign enterprises will, in the near future, come to this area, bringing with them technologies, projects and capital to seek cooperation.

To prepare the trade talks, the Chengdu city government has invited over 50 small and medium-sized enterprises from a dozen or so countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, the ROK, Italy and Spain, nearly one hundred entrepreneurs with more than 10 companies from Hong Kong and Taiwan and commercial representatives from embassies and consulates of Canada, France, Jordan, Brazil, Malaysia and other countries. Bringing with them hundreds of projects and related technologies and investments ranging from over US$0.8 million to US$28 million, they will arrive in Chengdu to hold meetings with local governments at all levels and enterprises in southwest China.

The content of cooperation will involve the processing of agricultural products and construction materials, eco-environment protection, machinery manufacture, trade, biological medicine engineering and other sectors. Among them, 50 percent are projects of agriculture and 15 percent are announced in China for the first time.


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