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Looking after the migrants

China Daily

It is important to guarantee equal rights for the migrant population in urban management, says an article in Beijing Youth Daily. The following is an excerpt:

Sources from the Ministry of Public Security said that files would be established for houses that have been rented. In this way tenants will be placed under community management.

This is an age of frequent population flow and also of rising housing prices. The migrant population especially finds it difficult to find a place to settle in cities. In this sense, the government's attitude toward the migrant population and rental housing concerns is correct.

It is true that many criminals on the run are living in rental houses. Some of them even make them their hideouts. These criminals usually leave few clues and their neighbors know little about them. This hinders the public security organization's investigations. This is also why, for a long time, urban managements focus on security issues when it comes to the migrant population.

Today, the migrant population has become a very important part of the urban population. Urban management has realized that issues concerning the migrant population are no longer confined to security issues but have extended it to include social development and public services. In another words, besides emphasizing the security management of the migrant population, we should also grant equal rights and provide public services to these people.

The new system plans to conduct community management on rental houses and tenants. The migrants should be able to enjoy equal rights and good public services as other residents. Public welfare services should also be shared by the migrant population.

The migrant population is a resource not a burden to cities. To let them enjoy their legitimate rights and share urban public resources is fundamental to social security management. It will promote social equality and harmony.

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