
Hangzhou residents enjoy noodles during Zhongfu

[2014-07-29 15:25]

As Zhongfu, the second phase of Sanfu this year began on July 28, 2014, Hangzhou residents are eating more noodles.

Robots strut their stuff in NE China

[2014-07-29 07:52]

The 16th "Harbin Institute of Technology Cup" national robot tournament kicks off in Harbin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province on July 28, 2014.

SWAT officer finds perfect range to shoot fiancée

[2014-07-28 20:40]

Hou Weilin, a 29-year-old SWAT member from Chongqing team, proposes marriage to his sweetheart Li Jinyang in the presence of his colleagues.

Bittersweet reunion for left-behind children

[2014-07-29 09:55]

Wu Jinjuan, 9, and Wu Siyu, 5, sisters from Guilin, South China's Guangxi province, embark on a long journey to be reunited with their migrant worker parents who labor in Guangdong province.

Severe drought hits Central China's Henan province

[2014-07-29 14:10]

A water channel in Jun county, Henan province is a mass of huge cracks due to severe drought, July 28, 2014. The province is experiencing far-reaching water shortages.

'Transformers' spring up across China

[2014-07-28 20:39]

Transformers are seemingly found everywhere in Chinese people’s daily life, with the new installment in the Hollywood Robot franchise making a success at the box office in China.

Top 10 fast-food chains in China

[2014-07-28 20:37]

A scandal-hit Chinese meat supplier has ensnared international fast-food chains, including McDonald's, KFC, Burger King and Starbucks. What are the top 10 fast-food chains in China? Let's take a look.

Yi ethnic group marks Torch Festival

[2014-07-28 20:36]

Villagers in Dafang county in Guizhou province take part in a sheep-and-goat-riding contest during the Torch Festival, a traditional event held by members of the Yi ethnic group, on July 26, 2014.

Iron girl's boxing dream

[2014-07-28 20:38]

With short hair and no make-up or high-heels, Wang Yue is a female boxer who gives the impression of a tough young woman with a life full of pain and perspiration.

Chinese pilots compete at Russia air force competition

[2014-07-28 20:36]

The event, started from July 22 to July 28, will see pilots from different countries compete over flying abilities and air-to-surface combat skills among other areas.

Dead fish float on Yundang Lake after Typhoon Matmo

[2014-07-28 20:35]

Dead fishes are floating on the Yundang Lake in southeast China's Fujian Province after the city was hit by large waves caused by Typhoon Matmo on July 26,2014.

Summer heat hits Beijing

[2014-07-28 20:35]

Tourists on Tian'anmen Square use various methods to cool off, July 26, 2014. With temperatures hovering around 36C, Beijing's Meteorological Bureau issued a three-day yellow warning heat alert on July 25.

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