Moroccan homegrown

Updated: 2008-01-02 10:58

Marrakech's strengths are in its atmosphere - so cozy and inviting, and although we loath to use the word "exotic," nothing else in Shanghai comes this close to warrant its usage. The ground floor is like a white-washed mud hut with raw wooden beams, and you'll have to journey upstairs into a labyrinth of smaller rooms. You'll find one room full of African drums (live music on weekend nights) which occasionally turns into an interactive jam session (but never interfering with the dining room). And further still, up and around a corner, the new Spice Lounge. This space is going to become very popular soon. There's a selection of home-made spiced liquors and cocktails, and a setting that's equally appropriate for a small company party or a laid back gathering with friends. There's a mezzanine with secluded floor cushions for intimate moments, hookah pipes for communal smoking, a proper table for group dining, and space to dance a bit. The eclectic and affordable wine list is another bonus. When was the last time you had an Algerian red or a Moroccan rose?

Proprietor Judy is full of creative energy and gregarious joy. She's done an amazing job at decorating the place, including recycling local "found objects" into what looks like authentic African art.

There's lots of love in this place, and the staff are the type that remember you. We have a feeling, and hope, that after the new Spice Lounge area is launched and running smooth, attention can be re-focused on the cooking, which with some minor tweaks, can be very good. If so, Marrakech will again be on our top list. Shanghai needs a place like this!

Address: 133 Fuxing Xi Lu, near Yongfu Lu
Tel: 021-64334261

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