Thai coup leaders ban 'political activities'
(China Daily)
Updated: 2006-09-22 05:41

BANGKOK: Thailand's new military leaders, who overthrew Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and are moving to purge his followers, yesterday banned political party meetings and the establishment of new parties.

With Thaksin laying low in London, the coup makers also moved to place the tycoon-turned-politician's vast assets under scrutiny, amid mounting calls for his prosecution for alleged corruption.

Thaksin said he would take a "deserved rest," and urged the military to quickly arrange for new national elections. In a statement released in London, he urged "all parties to find ways and means to reconcile and work towards national reconciliation for the sake of our king and country," but did not say if he planned to return.

Thaksin's decline began about a year ago when a popular movement called for his resignation for alleged corruption and abuse of power. Critics allege that the former telecommunications chief took advantage of his position as head of government to enrich himself and his associates.

Less than 48 hours after the army sent tanks into the streets of Bangkok to terminate Thaksin's tenure, the Thai capital returned to normalcy yesterday with businesses reopening and roads jammed with traffic.

Army commander General Sonthi Boonyaratglin has said he would serve as de facto prime minister for two weeks and then the Council of Administrative Reform will choose a civilian to replace him. A constitution is to be drawn up and elections held in one year's time.

Despite condemnation of the coup by Western and some Asian governments, the new leadership is seen by some as the best chance to resolve a bloody Muslim insurgency in the south that has killed more than 1,700 people.

An exiled Muslim rebel leader yesterday welcomed Thaksin's overthrow by Sonthi, a Muslim in a predominantly Buddhist country.

(China Daily 09/22/2006 page1)