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Real issues in China-US trade imbalance

By Li Ruogu | China Daily | Updated: 2008-05-09 07:24

Real issues in China-US trade imbalance

Between 1978 and 2007, China's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 9.75 percent and reached 24.6619 trillion yuan ($3.43 trillion) in 2007. With a total annual trade volume of over $ 2 trillion, China's foreign exchange reserves have reached $1.68 trillion as of March 2008 and continues to grow rapidly.

While pursuing sound economic development, China is opening up its economy and actively seeking to expand its economic and trade ties with the developed world, including the US. At present, China and the US have become economically interdependent and their interests intertwined.

The US has made significant gains from its economic and trade relations with China.

Real issues in China-US trade imbalance

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