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Letters and Blogs

China Daily | Updated: 2008-08-26 07:33

Congratulations from Guyana

On this very special occasion in the history of the People's Republic of China, I wish to extend on half of the government and people of the Republic of Guyana, and on my own behalf, warm congratulations and best wishes for the successful hosting of the 29th Summer Olympic Games.

I believe that the Olympic Games will promote significant national development and raise even more the international profile of China.

The national pride demonstrated by the people of China in the preparation for this event is to be highly commended and Guyana applauds your country's efforts to ensure a safe and successful 29th Olympiad.

Bharrat Jagdeo, president of the Republic of Guyana

via fax

Good chance for communication

When, in 2001, International Olympic Committee decided to choose China to host Olympic Games in 2008, I believed it was right. Also at that time, of course, our values, in Europe, differed from Chinese points of view. You know the list of issues: human rights, Tibet and so on.

In 2001, in my country, Italy, and not only in Italy, the vast majority of people agreed with IOC decision. If China was ready to open its door to the world, why not? It would be better to share differences frankly. When people meet, it's possible to improve relationship and to change things.

Later, something started to change. Not in Chinese policy. But in Western feelings. Recently, some voices asked for a boycott of the Olympics in Beijing. Also, some discovered that China's way of life is too much different from ours. Wow, what a surprise!

Well, this was unfair. It was unfair to compare China to the Nazis, to compare Olympics 2008 to Olympic 1936. Unfair, because a great cloud of hypocrisy overwhelmed the issue. The reason?

You know, it became a sort of common thought, in Europe. Oil price is rising? China is growing too fast. Food price is rising? It depends on China. Jobs crisis at home? China doesn't respect international trade procedures. The Earth is warming? China is guilty. And so on.

Of course, truth is different. We have our problems, as I usually told my European friends. And we cannot pretend that Chinese (or Indian, or Brazilian) people will not have refrigerators or TV set or cars in their houses and garages. It's too easy to blame others, when you are not able to find a solution for your issues.

So, I believe, also now, that it was just to come to China for the Games. We bring here our ideas, our feelings for freedom, our commitment to human rights. We are showing our way of life to Chinese friends, they are showing theirs to us.

May be in the future we will be able, all together, to better understand that we belong to the same world.

I will not change my basic point of view and I keep the hope that, one day, China's political system will be more open. But we came from different cultures, different traditions, different histories.

Another thing. A lot of crap was told, in the West, about Beijing - smog, bad environment, difficult to breathe, competition in danger, a town impossible to live in.

But, in the end, reality was different. The organization was excellent (and believe me: this was my eleventh participation in the Olympics, between winter and summer Games). Young Chinese people were ready to help at every moment. The passion of the crowds was genuine. Sporting level was fantastic: what about Phelps and Bolt?

Letters and Blogs

Yes, you were right to open your door and we were right to come here.

Leo Turrini, an Italian journalist and writer

via e-mail

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(China Daily 08/26/2008 page9)

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