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China Daily | Updated: 2008-10-22 07:49

China affected in financial crisis

Comment on "GDP growth slowed down to 9% in Q3" (China Daily website, Oct 20)

With all those factory workers losing jobs in manufacturing this year, the country's exports face a challenge as a large proportion of China's GDP comes from exports.

The reality is Chinese people do not spend money they don't have as Americans do. I would like to see what policies the Chinese government takes to encourage the Chinese people spend more money and thereby support the economy.

Logic vs Speculation

on China Daily website

Domestic toy market vital now

Comment on "50% of toy firms gone in 2 years'"(China Daily, Oct 21)

The Chinese government must restructure the fundamentals of exporters. As the saying goes, "you cannot put all your eggs in one basket". From the beginning Smart Union and others could have apportioned their businesses to cater to both export and local market and devise other business models when they sensed that there's trouble.

I really don't know why the Smart Union leadership abandoned the employees. It sounds stupid. If the Ministry of Commerce knew about this and if it had prepared plans, such cases could have been averted.


on China Daily website

Don't raise housing prices

When I read the mobile news "The State Council encourages people to buy houses", I really was a little surprised about it: how could our government want to raise the housing prices?

But after I read the whole news and reviewed the title, I found that "encourage" is a word that needs reconsideration.

There's a difference between rescuing the estate market and lifting the current housing prices. Our government doesn't aim at raising the house price. It just wants to keep the stability of the housing market, which may be vital to our nation's economic stability and growth.

Ma Ke

via e-mail

Use visible hands more

Comment on You Nuo's column "We need the whole truth about closures" (China daily, Oct 20)

Whenever an economic crisis happens, ordinary workers always bear the brunt. In my view, the reason behind it is that the workers have no other choice but to sell their labor.

Thanks to the New Labor Law, the workers can resort to legal means to protect their basic rights from being encroached on.

First and foremost, the local government should actively intervene and go into the disputes related to closures and bankruptcy of local enterprises by means of the so-called visible hand, so that social stability and justice can be maintained and upheld.

Gao Ming

on China Daily website

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(China Daily 10/22/2008 page9)

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