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China Daily | Updated: 2008-11-18 07:50

When to retire a hard question

Comment on Li Xing's column "Let people retire when they are ready" (China Daily, Nov 13)

It is hard to determine the retirement age. The elderly should enjoy the rest of their life. However, for many people who still lack abundant pension support, how can they support their families?

Only depending on one's tiny pension is far from enough. Without financial support, many families can find it very hard .


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We should set up a flexible retirement system for different careers and professions, and we should respect those who have different opinions about retirement.

For instance, we should allow scientists to work longer if they like, but they can also retire at an earlier age with a lesser pension if they find they can contribute more to the society working somewhere else.


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SMEs' big role in economy

Comment on "Chinese premier calls for support of SMEs" (China Daily website, Nov 17)

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are really playing a very important role in economic development. At this time of financial crisis, Premier Wen Jiabao calls for support of SMEs, which fully shows his care for our country's economy.

Premier Wen is a good premier, who always does something that can benefit people. Hope SMEs develop well and our country's economy develop well.


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Ensure safe construction

Comment on "4 killed, 17 missing after subway tunnel collapses" (China Daily, Nov 17)

I think there are some reasons for this tragedy. First, a major earthquake took place in China this year and so much land was affected. Some soil became loose, but some supervision departments obviously haven't paid enough attention to this. They were not responsible enough about their jobs.


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Only after the accident did the authorities carry out a thorough examination. What were these experts doing when making this construction plan? Were they unaware of the danger of collapse then?


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(China Daily 11/18/2008 page9)

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