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Rewarding migrant workers

China Daily | Updated: 2008-11-20 07:49

A national conference commending outstanding migrant workers has reaffirmed the positive role of migrant workers. It has also prompted us to protect their rights and treat them equally, says an article in China Youth Daily. The following is an excerpt:

The first-ever national conference since China's reform and opening-up was held on Sunday in Beijing to award outstanding migrant workers. The event itself is a confirmation of the great contribution migrant workers have made to the country's development. It is also hoped that they will be encouraged to contribute more to the renaissance of the Chinese nation.

It's no exaggeration to cite the role of migrant workers in "realizing the great renaissance of the Chinese nation". In fact, it's an objective evaluation on their historic functions and realistic contributions in the past 30 years. The renaissance of the Chinese nation actually starts right with the work of millions of migrant workers.

In the past three decades, the society and government have confirmed the contributions made by migrant workers in different fields. The celebration now is just an official commendation for them. All the outstanding role models were finally elected to win the title of "excellent national migrant workers".

The meeting commended 1,000 migrant workers in total, many of them farmer-turned entrepreneurs. Migrant workers have found their own positions in the society with their talents and wisdom.

The pressing issue for them now is not only to win official recognition of their working rights, but also to seek better treatment and protection as well as better quality of life for themselves.

The Chinese society won't gain a real progress and the renaissance of the Chinese nation will remain just a dream if migrant workers can't have equal treatment or equal rights with urbanites.

The improvement of migrant workers' quality of life can start with two aspects: first, skill training for them; second, education for their children. Practically speaking, it's not realistic to fully equalize the rights of urbanites and farmers, given the current conditions of rural education.

We should offer them practical education to improve their qualities, from vocational skills to communications and modern knowledge. And this should begin in cities where they work.

(China Daily 11/20/2008 page8)

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