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Thai protesters in 'final battle'

China Daily | Updated: 2008-11-24 07:44

Thousands of anti-government protesters rallied in central Bangkok yesterday, the start of what they call the "final battle" in a five-month street campaign to oust the administration.

"I fear nothing. We will not bow our heads to the dark power destroying our country," said Cat, a 48-year-old businesswoman, among the thousands of protesters waving placards and shouting "fight, fight" inside the Government House compound they have occupied since late August.

The crowd led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) planned to march to parliament early today, where police have erected barricades and stationed trucks with water cannons.

Thai protesters in 'final battle'

In October, two people were killed and hundreds wounded, including scores of police, in running street battles with the PAD outside parliament.

This time, police have been ordered not to use tear gas or truncheons and only carry shields, government spokesman Nattawut Saikuar said after a meeting of security ministers.

House leaders have refused to change the venue or postpone the session scheduled today, which will debate legislation relating to next month's regional summit in the northern city of Chiang Mai.

Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat - who the PAD accuses of being the puppet of exiled former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, his brother-in-law - assigned army chief Anupong Paochinda to monitor the protests while he attends an Asia-Pacific summit in Peru.

Major bloodshed would raise the chances of a military coup only two years after the army's removal of Thaksin, who now lives in exile after skipping bail on corruption charges.

Anupong, who has put more than 3,000 anti-riot soldiers on standby to help the police, has said a putsch would do nothing to resolve Thailand's fundamental political rifts.

The PAD enjoys the backing of Bangkok's urban middle classes and elite, including Queen Sirikit, while Thaksin and the government claim their support from rural voters that returned a pro-Thaksin party in a December election.

The PAD is calling the march "its final battle" to oust the government, which it blames for a grenade attack last week that killed one person and wounded 23.

Another grenade blast wounded seven PAD security guards on Saturday. An eighth guard died of his wounds yesterday.

Somchai has denied the government or its supporters are behind the blasts. Police have made no arrests so far.


(China Daily 11/24/2008 page7)

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