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China Daily | Updated: 2008-11-26 07:48

Catch corrupt officials first

Comment on "Doctors, teachers under new graft interpretation" (China Daily, Nov 25)

Although some teachers earn some extra money from textbooks, school reforms or even directly from the parents, the total amount perhaps cannot be compared with what some corrupt officials make.

At present, the teachers' salaries are indeed too low, sometimes they have to make more money in these ways for a better life. In fact, monetary reward is a principle in the business.

I think the government should pay more attention to cracking down on official bribes. We can see official bribery cases with huge amounts of money every year, which cause great damage and have a bad influence to the society.


on China Daily website

Whose fault?

Comment on "APEC leaders pledge further actions to tackle financial crisis" (China Daily, Nov 23)

Americans are enjoying high standards of living with cheap products and cheap loans and money from Asians, but Americans repay the world by printing money.

Americans shouldn't bash others while living on borrowed money from Asian people.

China Daily reader

on China Daily website

Stop family violence

Comment "Pulling no punches against domestic abuse" (China Daily, Nov 25)

Committing family violence is ridiculous. As a man, you should protect your loved woman from being hurt and do your best to give her happiness. You should lead the family through the hard times.

Women are no longer subordinates. China should take more measures to help women. Women too shouldn't make any concessions when they are abused.


on China Daily website

Cold winter for job seekers

Comment on Li Xing's column "It is time to think hard about jobs" (China Daily, Nov 20)

If the worldwide economic crisis keeps worsening, not only the university graduates, but also the people who have work experience will feel great pressure as the offers are shrinking around the country due to the sluggish economy.

Those who want to change their jobs, in my view, will further examine their actions. Latest on-line polls show that people are holding little hope of bringing home same year-end bonus as they got last year.

Therefore, people who live on salaries will only wish that the economic crisis would end, and the economy would revive, as soon as possible. If the purchasing power does reduce, and what they get shows no obvious increase, or even decline, the economic environment will not see encouraging turns despite the national stimulus package.

If the confidence keeps dropping, job-seeking will be extremely difficult, let alone for the newly graduated college students with little work experience.

Li Yanqing

on China Daily website

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(China Daily 11/26/2008 page9)

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