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China Daily | Updated: 2009-03-13 07:47

Tibet needs stability and unity

Comments on the article "China President stresses stability in Tibet" (China Daily website March 9, 2009)

Stability in Tibet should be given priority to ensure the prosperity of the region and the welfare of the Tibetans.

Without the stable environment, economic development would not be achieved and people would not feel safe and happy. The Dalai Lama has never stopped engaging in splitting up China under the guise of freedom and democracy. And what's more, some westerners provide support to those secessionists.

Amid this complex backdrop, I think the Chinese government should portray a real Tibet to foreigners, through pictures, videos, TV, newspaper and other media. More tours should be arranged for overseas visitors to let them know what has happened during the past 50 years.

If something bad happens, the government should tell the truth to the public the first time to prevent them from passively accepting the Western biases in news.


on China Daily website

Those that instigate rioting are no more than just petty criminals, with limited intelligence or other ulterior motives for their own personal gain, at the expense of inflicting pain and sufferings on others and inevitably on themselves.

Look at Tibet today. Last year's riots have already had a huge negative impact on the people of Tibet, both financially, socially, and through unnecessary losses of life.

One needs to put their own house in order before he or she indulges in being critical of others.

As for the Dalai Lama, religion was meant to save the human race, not destroy it. A true leader cares for the welfare of its people, by preaching, promoting and encouraging love, nurturing, and friendship.


on China Daily website

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(China Daily 03/13/2009 page10)

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