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China Daily | Updated: 2009-04-29 07:44

Obesity should be treated normally

Comment on the article, "Obese girls hold group engagement in Guangzhou" (China Daily Website, April 24)

Some people believe that a person becomes obese or overweight only because he/she eats too much Western fast food on offer at McDonald's, KFC and other outlets. But I don't agree with the contention.

We should not blame only Western fast food for obesity. Restaurants offer fast foods to cater to people's choice, but don't compel anyone to eat them.

Besides, there are many people in China who eat Western fast food but still manage to keep fit.

It's well known that one should not read in bed or in a reclining position because that can harm one's eyesight. There are people who do so but still maintain good eyesight. The fast food story is similar.

Obesity, I think, largely depends on genes rather than diet. We should treat it normally and not look down upon obese people. That's why we should extend our best wishes to the simple couples who held a happy group engagement, instead of discussing it as a strange phenomenon.

A reader

On China Daily Website

Caution still the rule of economic game

Comment on the article, "China's economy slows to 6.1 percent in Q1" (China Daily Website, April 16)

Signs of the country's economic recovery based on recent statistics is rather exciting, but we still need to be cautious about the situation.

The country's economic recovery can't continue for long without a global economic recovery, even though the government's entire stimulus package is yet to take effect.

Moreover, the result of financial innovations is hard to evaluate and predict because a lot of promised outcomes are realized after a long time.

What's more, it's very important to regulate and supervise the distribution of all the money in the stimulus package.

Eric Volks

On China Daily Website

Make all facts on swine flu public

Comment on the article, "World govts race to contain swine flu outbreak" (China Daily Website, April 27)

Swine flu is threatening human lives across the world six years after SARS wreaked havoc in China. The most important task of governments is to control the spread of the virus.

The US has taken scientific steps to control the disease. It has done the right thing by declaring a public health emergency, which legally triggered the prevention mechanism in society.

The symptoms of swine flu and the clinical results of the tests carried out on the virus should be fully explained to people to prevent them from panicking unnecessarily.

It is high time our government reminded people who raise pigs about the dangers involved, for it is the concealment of truth that causes public panic.


On China Daily Website

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(China Daily 04/29/2009 page9)

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