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China Daily | Updated: 2009-05-19 07:45

Fear of the flu is worse than the flu

Till now China has confirmed three A(H1N1) flu cases, which has aroused intense concern.

The tough experience of SARS several years ago, which claimed hundreds of Chinese lives, still haunt us. It seems that Chinese people fear the spread of the virus rather than the flu itself.

Discussions about the flu arise everywhere. Some travel agencies have announced their cancellation of overseas tours; some marketing executives have postponed their meetings with foreign clients; mothers are beginning to consider keeping their children away from school for a time; and, some "extremists" have even proposed cancellation of some international flights.

Although understandable, in my opinion the concerns and fears stirred by this disease are excessive.

In such an emergency situation, it is necessary to keep alert and protect ourselves from infection. However, keeping calm is also crucial for us to win the battle against the flu.

Though spreading rapidly, the disease is curable and controllable. Mortality rate of A(H1N1) flu is much lower than that of SARS. Vaccine against this flu is also under test. We should have confidence in our government, our medical experts, and ourselves.

In the course of history, human beings have suffered countless disasters, not only the diseases; and eventually overcame each of them. That's not only because of our intelligence, but also because we can face the difficulties with courage.

I suggest that the public stop spreading rumors about the epidemic or randomly resort to untested folk prescriptions to safeguard against the disease. Panic can cause turbulence in our society, which may further worsen the situation and increase the problems of controlling it.

As common citizens, we should keep in mind the medical experts' advice on prevention of A(H1N1) flu, and stay calm in the face of this issue. If everyone can play his or her own part perfectly, we will definitely win the battle against the flu.


Via e-mail

Charm of drying clothes in the open

Comment on the article "Dry clothes in the open, it's green" (China Daily, May 9)

I agree with the opinion of Chen Weidong in his article, "Dry clothes in the open, it's green", published in China Daily. I have lived in Italy and England for many years, and I have never seen any other country encouraging its citizens to buy tumble dryers in order to prevent the clothes drying in the open.

Drying clothes in the open air has always been regarded as the best way, not only because it is energy-saving and effectively protects our environment but also because that it is good for the clothes. This practice should be promoted considering the many advantages it presents.

We should not regard drying clothes in the air as an uncivil behavior. Actually in Venice, the city of canals, wet clothes hanging in the open is a common scene, which always reminds me of Shanghai. To some extent, it even adds a unique charm to this beautiful city of waterways, just as it does to Shanghai.

I am glad to see a city that is full of colors and the smell of common life.


Via e-mai

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(China Daily 05/19/2009 page9)


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