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Shenzhen mayor faces graft probe

By Chen Hong in Shenzhen and Cui Xiaohuo in Beijing | China Daily | Updated: 2009-06-09 07:48

The splatter from the fall of Shenzen's mayor could drench other officials near him.

The city pivotal to reforms in the country is undergoing a political shakeup as Mayor Xu Zongzheng, 54, has been detained while undergoing a graft probe by the anti-corruption watchdog.

The central government's disciplinary commission yesterday did not elaborate on what led to Xu's investigation, but media in neighboring Hong Kong pointed out two potential causes - links to possible financial crimes of Huang Guangyu, once China's richest man, and Xu's growing unpopularity among political rivals. It's unknown who will take over his position during the investigation.

Shenzhen mayor faces graft probe

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