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China Daily | Updated: 2009-07-23 07:49

Be patient when at the wheel

Comment on "Solution to traffic woes is simple" (China Daily website)

I enjoyed your article in today's issue of the China Daily, which moved me enough to write.

I have been living and working in Wuhan for three years. Prior to that I used to visit the city for some rest and recreation. The traffic congestion here is as bad as in your city!

I think most foreigners, who have lived in China for some time, would whole-heartedly agree with your observation: "The roads are great but what a pity that most drivers fail to show a smidgen of courtesy to their fellows."

I am using your article in my class tonight. I am teaching the virtues, and first off the rank is "Patience".

John Eathorne

via e-mail

China needs not be defensive

Comment on "Viciousness of rioters 'unexpected'" (China Daily website)

Violence of this nature, no matter whether committed in the name of ethnic, social, political or religious causes, is clearly a law and order issue, an internal affair of China. The perpetrators must be dealt with fairly but firmly under the law.

China needs to make no apology to anyone for the action taken to restore and ensure law and order, and needs not appear defensive. However, it is wise to explain clearly the truth and the rationale of such actions to its own citizens.

In addition, after law and order are restored, efforts should be made to understand and resolve underlying issues that triggered the events.

Friendship, peace and neighborhood committees consisting of different ethnic groups (not just the Han and the Uygurs) should be constituted, to act as mediators for small disputes, to promote harmony between ethnic groups, and to help minorities adapt and assimilate with the majority. These should be done while keeping their ethnic culture alive, and to keep in touch with the people so that the government is aware of issues before they become problems and spill over into violence.

In any nation, there will always be majority and minority groups. Adaptation and assimilation of ethnic minorities into majority society is not persecution of ethnic minorities. All countries in the world, including the US and most Western nations, encourage the development of integrated societies, which are more united and less problematic.

Xinjiang is an inalienable part of China, with many ethic groups calling it home. The sooner all groups recognize that harmony is the top priority, the better for all.

Tony TT

on China Daily website

(China Daily 07/23/2009 page8)

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