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New AIG chief brings Greenberg back into the fold

China Daily | Updated: 2009-08-28 08:17

New AIG chief brings Greenberg back into the fold

DUBROVNIK, Croatia: AIG to Hank: All is forgiven, we need your help!

That is the message from Robert Benmosche, the new CEO of American International Group Inc, to Maurice "Hank" Greenberg - the man who built the company into what was the largest insurer in the world but was then ousted, and has since been embroiled with the company in a bitter legal struggle.

Benmosche, 65, who was installed as head of the company on Aug 10, said he has been talking with Greenberg for months about AIG, which had to be rescued in a massive US government bailout last year.

New AIG chief brings Greenberg back into the fold

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