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AIG chief gets to grips with grapes

China Daily | Updated: 2009-09-04 07:59

AIG chief gets to grips with grapes

VIGANJ, Croatia: AIG's new CEO, Robert Benmosche, has sparked just about as many headlines as one executive can in the past few weeks - and all the while on holiday at his villa in Croatia looking over the Adriatic.

He has been unusually outspoken for the head of a major New York-based corporation that has been bailed out by the US government.

He recently made waves by saying that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo had acted like a "criminal" and also ignored concerns about corporate excess by showing a Reuters reporter around his 12-bathroom villa in Dubrovnik. And his very presence here has upset some - as he came to Croatia on holiday only days after taking the helm at AIG on Aug 10.

AIG chief gets to grips with grapes

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