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A visit of historic proportions

By David Kan Ting | China Daily | Updated: 2011-01-26 08:03

A visit of historic proportions

It can be said with a degree of certainty that President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States from Jan 18 to 21 was historic, because in a sense it returned China to the center of the world stage, which it had occupied for centuries.

Never before has a Chinese head of state been accorded such a stately and ceremonial welcome. Guests at the glittering, star-studded state dinner were dazzled by US First Lady Michelle Obama's red silk dress. The first lady's choice of color, according to media reports, had a special message signifying the importance of the event.

Symbols matter in diplomacy, and symbolism abounded during Hu's four-day visit to the US. President Barack Obama entertained his Chinese counterpart at a private dinner on his arrival in Washington on Jan 18. Only six people, three from each side, attended the informal dinner. It was a symbol of closeness and a gesture of friendship demonstrated by the host. And it was different from the hospitality accorded to Hu during his visit to Washington in 2006, when his host - George W. Bush - treated the state guest to a White House lunch.

A visit of historic proportions

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