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Micro blogs are the voice of the people

By Ye Xiaowen | China Daily | Updated: 2011-08-24 08:28

As the sole ruling party in China, the Communist Party of China (CPC) must listen attentively to the people's complaints. So micro blogs deserve attention from the authorities.

Long and stable rule is based on constructive interaction between governors and citizens. The longer the rule is, the more carefully the governors should listen to people's concerns. Its close ties with the masses have been the biggest political advantage of the CPC. Breaking away from the masses is the biggest danger for CPC. The Party should always respond to people's demands. The Party should always consider people's concerns. And the Party should always be able to solve people's problems. The Party should be open, especially in the micro blog sphere, to people's voices.

The Party cannot afford to ignore so many people's voices. Reform and opening-up are human-oriented, stimulating active social activities and thought liberation. When too many people speak at the same time, the whole house is filled with a riot of sounds. People's thinking is more independent, selective, volatile and diversified. Chinese people have a stronger sense of democracy, political participation and rule by law. They expect a happy life.

Micro blogs are the voice of the people

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