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Iran: EU blacklisting of Hezbollah 'surprising'

By Agencies in Dubai and Teheran | China Daily | Updated: 2013-07-24 07:22

Iran: EU blacklisting of Hezbollah 'surprising'

Military unit's involvement in Syrian civil conflict prompts bloc action

Iran condemned on Tuesday the European Union's decision to put the armed wing of Lebanese militant group Hezbollah on its terrorism blacklist and said the move was "contrary to all political and legal norms, surprising and unacceptable".

Iranian funds and military advisers helped establish Hezbollah some three decades ago. Along with Syria, Hezbollah is still Teheran's most important ally in the Middle East because of its position on the "frontline" against Iran's sworn enemy Israel.

Hezbollah fought a bitter war with Israel in 2006 and more recently has been providing military support to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as it tries to put down an insurgency that has escalated into civil conflict.

Pressed by Britain and the Netherlands, the European Union blacklisted Hezbollah's military wing on Monday over its involvement in the Syrian war and accusations it was involved in a bus bombing in Bulgaria that killed five Israelis and their driver a year ago.

The United States on Monday applauded the EU for putting the Hezbollah on its terrorism blacklist.

"With today's action, the EU is sending a strong message to Hezbollah that it cannot operate with impunity, and that there are consequences for its actions," US Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement.

Many EU capitals had previously resisted lobbying from Washington and Israel to blacklist the group, warning such a move could fuel instability in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon where Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government and has dominated politics in Beirut in recent years.

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said, "To label a resistance group which has campaigned against invasion and occupation and has a legal presence with the people's support in the government of Lebanon shows it is based on loose logical foundations."

He added that "this action was accomplished with the direction of some influential members of the EU and is contrary to all political and legal norms, surprising and unacceptable.

Iran "strongly denounces the (EU) decision ... and believes (it) is in line with the illegitimate interests of the Zionist regime", Salehi said.

"The European Union, due to lack of correct judgment about the regional crisis, took this wrong decision," he said.

The action, he added, is "against the Lebanese people since Hezbollah has put up a legitimate defense against the Zionists' aggressions".

Israel, which welcomed the EU decision, would be the main beneficiary, the Iranian foreign minister said.

"This action will be benefit of the illegitimate Zionist regime and its supporters."


(China Daily 07/24/2013 page12)

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