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Greater transparency

China Daily | Updated: 2014-08-20 07:11

This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping, as well as the beginning of comprehensively deepening reforms which were laid out by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Being a decisive move in the rejuvenation of modern China, the reform and opening-up initiated by Deng over three decades ago has proved to be the sole and only way to revive the country in the long run.

people.com.cn, Aug 19

Despite its success in other areas, reform of many Chinese State-owned enterprises has failed to bridge the income gap between their laid off workers and current employees: the former can barely make ends meet while the latter have enjoyed a sharp increase in salary. The authorities are determined to put an end to such unfairness by seeking to regulate unreasonably high incomes. The ultimate aim of income distribution reform is to establish a well structured, regulated, and supervised distribution of wealth in State-owned enterprises, instead of merely prohibiting high incomes of some individuals.

Greater transparency

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