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Sailor suicide highlights Japan's violent culture

By Agence France-Presse in Tokyo | China Daily | Updated: 2014-09-03 09:33

Japan's navy has admitted that a sailor killed himself aboard ship earlier this year after being persistently bullied by a superior officer. It was the latest incident to come to light related to the country's little-discussed hazing culture.

The military police have sent information about the officer involved to prosecutors, a naval spokesman said. Petty Officer First Class Koichi Goto, 42, was being investigated over claims that he persistently harassed his younger charge.

"It is deeply regrettable that the force could not prevent a suicide due to hazing," naval chief of staff Katsutoshi Kawano of the Maritime Self-Defense Force told a Monday press conference.

The crew member took his own life earlier this year after being repeatedly hit about the head by Goto and forced to kneel with his head on the ground, the spokesman said. He was said to be in his 30s, but his identity was being withheld by his family,

The sailor had frequently asked for time off, but Goto continued bullying him, he said. The last time he asked for leave, Goto made him stand in a hallway with a bucket, the spokesman said.

The crewman killed himself the following day, he said.

Goto has admitted he had exercised "excessive discipline" on his charge, the spokesman told AFP.

The case emerged months after the family of another serviceman was awarded $700,000 in compensation after he took his own life.

The 21-year-old in that case killed himself in 2004 by jumping in front of a train after his senior officer reportedly shot at him with an airgun and forced him to buy pornographic movies.

Hazing is widely practiced in many areas of Japanese life - in schools, workplaces and in sports settings - but it is rarely reported unless it escalates into a suicide or a killing.

In 2007, a 17-year-old sumo apprentice died after a hazing incident involving his stablemaster and senior wrestlers. The stablemaster, who struck the teen with a beer bottle, was sentenced to five years in jail for negligence resulting in death.

The national women's judo coach quit in disgrace last year after 15 of his charges accused him and his staff of slapping, kicking and beating them during training in the runup to the London Olympics.

Observers say the beating of athletes with bamboo swords is a nasty reminder of how Japan's sporting world still draws on the traditions that led the country to war in the last century.

(China Daily 09/03/2014 page11)

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