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New Deng book reveals ideological conflicts

By Xinhua | China Daily | Updated: 2014-09-10 07:36

A new biography of late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping has laid bare "ideological confrontations and contradictions within the Party", its chief editor said recently.

The Biography of Deng Xiaoping (1904-1974), authored by the Party Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, was published in Chinese last month to mark the 110th anniversary of the birth of Deng, known as the chief architect of China's socialist reform, opening up and modernization.

Yang Shengqun, the book's chief editor, told Xinhua that Deng's theories form an important part of the book, while these theories were shaped by his ideological clashes with other Party leaders of the time.

New Deng book reveals ideological conflicts

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