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Use 'quiet diplomacy' to resolve sea issue

By Zhang Tuosheng | China Daily | Updated: 2015-11-12 07:50

The South China Sea is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world used by China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and many other countries, including the United States, and keeping it open is in the best interest of all. The shipping lane has never suffered disruptions despite the disputes among various countries over islands, reefs, and maritime rights and interests.

Still, the US has a fundamental disagreement with China over freedom of navigation. And the real reason for disagreement is the protracted close-range military reconnaissance and other operations by the US. Since US actions endanger China's national security, the latter is naturally opposed to them. Late last month, the US further intensified the disagreement over freedom of navigation by sending its warship to patrol the waters near the islands where China has carried out reclamation work.

On the handling of South China Sea-related issues, the White House, the US Department of State and the Department of Defense have some differing views. But the views of the Defense Department and the US Pacific Command seem the toughest.

Use 'quiet diplomacy' to resolve sea issue

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