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Is the poetry of the earth 'ceasing never'?

By OP Rana | China Daily | Updated: 2016-01-04 07:54

The more scientific advances the world makes, the more religious and dogmatic its people become. The more prosperous the world becomes, the more its people suffer poverty and hunger pangs. The more the world talks about peace, the more havoc wars cause. And the more we know what should be done to save our world, the more we do the opposite.

Why is that so? That may be a question for philosophers or psychiatrists, or both, to answer. But the contradictions of the world are evident to all. Some regale in this conflicting set of facts, for it is thus they fool the world and amass their wealth. The majority, however, suffer, for they believe the words our politicians, our business leaders, our economists utter without having ever thought about the other side of reality, the reality the majority live in and by. They suffer because the dialectics of this world is alien to them. The paradox of our times rarely dawns on them, for they know not that if the utterance "I always tell the truth" is true it must be false.

It is this falsehood dressed in the garb of truth that has won our acceptance. The tragedy is, some see through this masquerade and warn the hoi polloi but their warnings fit not our belief that the "flow of everyday reality can be upset", as Slovoj Zizek says.

Is the poetry of the earth 'ceasing never'?

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