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Those who give or accept bribes harm the interests of everyone

China Daily | Updated: 2016-09-14 08:13

"I'M MORAL BECAUSE I take bribes selectively - I only take bribes from the rich." That's what Chen Peng, an official being investigated for corruption, wrote in his confession. Beijing News comments:

Corrupt officials always make ridiculous statements such as bribery promotes economic growth or bribery stabilizes society.

By bribing officials, the person giving the bribe hopes to gain from the deal, such as being given the right to monopolize a local industry. In some cases, the bribes are given to officials in order to get contracts for urban development projects, such as the construction of a bridge or a building. They will use bad-quality materials and hire unqualified workers to save money and get more profit, which is a direct threat to people's safety.

Those who give or accept bribes harm the interests of everyone

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