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Subsidy recipients have right to good food and clothes

China Daily | Updated: 2016-11-14 07:46

IN ORDER TO HELP the poor receive higher education, colleges and universities offer subsidies to the students from poor families. However, they forbid these "legally poor" students from consuming luxuriously and a college has deprived a student of his subsidy because he has bought a pair of Nike shoes. Beijing Times comments:

Should poor students, who receive subsidies from colleges, be forbidden to buy expensive clothing or enjoy expensive meals? Some say yes, arguing that the subsidies offered to poor students are meant to help them finish higher education, instead of buying luxuries.

That sounds fair, but the subsidies are offered to help improve their living standards as well. Are they required to eat bad food and wear cheap clothing just because they receive subsidies? Are they supposed to stand out from their peers for being poor?

Subsidy recipients have right to good food and clothes

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