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CMEC's intl work draws high-level attention

By Ren Jie | China Daily | Updated: 2017-05-15 08:03

Company delivers economic and social benefits along the Belt and Road routes, creating positive image for Chinese enterprises, Ren Jie reports.

June 18, 2016 witnessed the signing ceremony of a project to fund and build a waste power generation plant in Serbia, a project undertaken by China Machinery Engineering Corp.

Most of CMEC's projects are located alongside the Belt and Road, including the Puttalam coal-fired power plant in Sri Lanka, the Phase II Maldivian residential building project, the 300-megawatt coal-based independent power generation project at Pind Dadan Khan (Salt Range) Punjab in Pakistan, and the waste power generation plant in Serbia.

 CMEC's intl work draws high-level attention

Representatives from Pakistan and CMEC sign financing agreements for Thar Block II Mining and Power Project in Pakistan. Provided to China Daily

CMEC Chairman Sun Bai and President Zhang Chun said the high-profile ceremony was not only a top honor for the company, but also indicated the recognition of the company's efforts in overseas project contracting.

Since 2012, with Sinomach in the lead, CMEC has continued exploring the traditional markets in Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia and North Africa, while trying to develop emerging markets in Venezuela, Brazil, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other European markets. CMEC's market development itinerary shared many similarities with that of the Belt and Road Initiative, analysts said.

This was not prediction or coincidence, according to the company. It was the result of CMEC's years of market cultivation and brand building with signature projects.

A signed article by President Xi Jinping was published on leading Serbian newspaper Politika, under the title of "Enduring Friendship and True Partnership", on June 16, 2016. The article, which was also carried by the national Tanjug news agency, mentioned a series of fruitful cooperation initiatives between Serbia and China, including the expansion and upgrade of the Kostolac Power Plant, which was also undertaken by CMEC.

Xi said in the article: "With the implementation of a batch of important projects, our cooperation on major projects is making heartening and sweeping progress, delivering economic and social benefits and a positive impact on the entire Central and Eastern Europe region."

The EREN(1+1)600MW Supercritical Coal-fired Power Plant project in Turkey, for which CMEC was the general contractor, won the Lu Ban Award (Overseas Projects) at the 2012-2013 Awarding Ceremony of Lu Ban Award (National High-Quality Projects). In 2015, the Belarusian Bielizof Power Plant undertaken by CMEC won the 2015 Lu Ban Award for overseas projects. Both of these two projects are located along the Belt and Road, and construction started before the proposal was put forward.

CMEC's intl work draws high-level attention

CMEC said it hoped to prove itself an inheritor of the spirit of the Silk Road and a forerunner of the Belt and Road Initiative through the opening-up of the market with stability, careful planning and excellent achievements.

After the Belt and Road was officially proposed, CMEC immediately established a market strategy working team, which focuses on coordinating and providing services for the company's market exploration along the Belt and Road routes.

There is a famous saying that "fortune favors the prepared mind". So far, CMEC's projects have covered seven major regions proposed in the Belt and Road Initiative. CMEC has signed contracts with almost all regions linked to the Belt and Road, if projects are not currently under construction. Statistics show that by the end of the first quarter, CMEC had at least 32 contracts or projects under construction in Belt and Road regions, among which six are in Southeast Asia; 12 in South Asia; three in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe; seven in West Asia; and four in the Commonwealth of Independent States and other related areas.

Grow through innovation

In addition to highlighting the importance of choosing projects and exploring markets, CMEC also paid attention to innovation and social benefits. Focusing on promoting development through innovation, CMEC has established a solid reputation and famous brand with its strong sense of responsibility.

The Puttalam coal-fired power plant in Sri Lanka has thoroughly improved electricity supply in Sri Lanka. A photo of the plant was even printed on the nation's banknotes.

The Phase II Maldivian residential building project in the Maldives was one of the biggest projects benefiting local people. It was also a profitable attempt by CMEC to use its experience in construction to build people's homes.

The Ukraine agricultural cooperation package has promoted the comprehensive development and update of the country's agriculture industry.

The Pakistan Thar II coal mine and power station project was a priority project of CMEC to promote the new model of engineering procurement construction with investment along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

During the design and construction of the Belarusian Bielizof power plant and Lukomlskaya combined cycle power plant, CMEC successfully integrated two different criteria of China and Belarus, and thus opened a road that will help Chinese enterprises to explore and develop the market in the country.

CMEC said it has also stressed "people-to-people bonds", one of the key components of the Belt and Road Initiative. In order to promote localization, CMEC set up an overseas employers system. Its projects have created many jobs for local people and have cultivated local engineering talent.

P. G. P. Indrasiri, manager of the Puttalam coal-fired power plant, thought highly of the plant. He said: "More than 600 local residents got jobs during the power plant's construction, and there are still 250 people in service. The power plant not only benefits local people, but also promotes the development of the region - it was once a poor area, but now it attracts development as much as other regions in Sri Lanka."

Wider responsibilities

CMEC has supported local social activities and helped improve residential living conditions and the environment. The project team of the Belarusian Bielizof power plant contributed multimedia teaching equipment to a local middle school.

"The contribution will help students to develop skills and support them to serve society better," said the principal of the school in a letter of thanks.

The company has continually innovated and led development with responsibility. It has made good progress in establishing itself as a first-class international company and fulfilling the proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative, creating a positive image for Chinese enterprises.

Contact the writer at renjie@chinadaily.com.cn

(China Daily 05/15/2017 page48)

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