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Together, China, US can create a symphony

By He Yafei | China Daily | Updated: 2017-05-15 08:38

Globalization is facing some challenges, as even economies championing economic liberalism and free trade have witnessed waves of anti-globalization, and rising uncertainties in geopolitics have added to the tensions between major powers. What can be done to recalibrate global governance and fix the woes plaguing the world economy?

The promotion and implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road) could offer the desired answer. At the heart of the initiative is all-round inter-connectivity and cultural integration, which could help reduce, if not end, the injustices stemming from the different development levels, ideologies and political systems of different countries, and facilitate joint efforts to build a global community of shared destiny.

The Belt and Road projects are essentially about building global partnerships and securing peaceful coexistence. They are not about challenging the current world order, as China itself has greatly benefited from it.

Together, China, US can create a symphony

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